1. Lead inspection: physical size, surface defects and hardness inspection of nickel wire.
2. Pressing the reed: the lead wire is rotated, straightened and pressed into the reed, pressing the reed and checking its physical size, straightness and visual defects.
3. Degreasing: Degreasing reed to remove grease and oil. There is a built-in cooling system in the production equipment to minimize steam loss.
4. Annealing: dry springs with oil stain removed are annealed to soften them and reduce remanence. After annealing, carry out remanence inspection and hardness inspection.
5. Electroplating: The annealed dry spring is assembled to the carrier and electroplated according to the required load contact specifications and required differential for each reed switch.
6. Thickness measurement: several dry spring plating samples are used to detect the micron-thick precious metal plating, and double differential testing is used.
7. Baking: Baking the dry reed in controlled gas to burn off and clean the organic matter on the surface.
8. reed switch sealing: the baked dry reed, inert gas and pre-cleaned glass tube are sealed and automatically assembled by equipment.
9. Lead plating: Tin plating is applied to the solderability at the end of reed switch.
10. reed switch test: specially designed test and manufacturing equipment ensures that all main parameters of high-quality reed switch have been intensively tested for testing. If the test results are good, it means that the reed switch is normal during the process of inflation and sealing. All reed switch with bad test results will be rejected and scrapped.
11. Sorting: measure the reed switch, sort it according to the parameters such as reed switch sensitivity, static and variable contact resistance required by the application, and then package it and transport it.